Adult Quran Class

The Thunder Bay Masjid will be holding Quran classes over Zoom this Ramadan for adults who wish to practice their reading and tajweed. Once we get the final number of interested adults who wish to participate, we will work on a schedule to accommodate everyone insh-Allah. Brothers and sisters are welcome to register using the link below:…/1FAIpQLSf…/viewform…

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Thunder Bay Masjid Quran Class

The Quran and Arabic Alphabets classes that were at the Thunder Bay Masjid are moving online due to COVID-19. Registration form for online classes are below. Classes will start insha-Allah *Monday, September 21st.* *Last day for registration is: Wednesday, September 16th* Those who register will be contacted by the Masjid to discuss the registration and appropriate time for their child(ren)’s class.…/1FAIpQLSfIrhtWUN8…/viewform…

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