Dear members of our beloved community,
The pain and suffering in Gaza have reached unprecedented levels, and the silence of the nations towards their concerns weighs heavily on our hearts. As we witness the distressing events unfolding in Gaza, it is incumbent upon us to respond with compassion and solidarity.
Tonight, we will gather as a part of this Ummah to seek help from the Lord of everything, the Most Strong and Almighty, for our brothers and sisters in Gaza who are enduring unimaginable hardships.
The situation in Gaza demands our immediate attention, and it is through our collective prayers and supplications that we can make a difference. We will convene right after Isha prayer Insha’Allah for approximately 30-60 minutes in Thunder Bay Masjid to engage in prayer and Duaa. We kindly invite you to join us, and we hope that you can find the time to participate. May Allah accept our collective supplications.
In our unity and devotion, we can create a powerful force for change. It is our responsibility as a community to stand up and beseech Allah for His mercy, protection, and support for our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
May Allah answer our prayers and alleviate the suffering of those in Gaza, and may He guide the hearts of the nations to act in the name of justice and compassion.
JazakomAllah Khair