TBMRA Membership Registration Form

Personal Section

  • non member

Current Residence Address


Membership Terms

  • I confirm my agreement to the preamble, aims, and objectives of the Thunder Bay Muslim Religious Association as presented in its constitution.
    1. Whereas we affirm in the ultimate and absolute sovereignty of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Sustainer of the worlds; and we affirm that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last and final Messenger of Allah
    2. Whereas we believe that the Qur'an and the Sunnah are the ultimate source of guidance for the Muslims
    3. We, the Muslims of Thunder Bay have agreed to and have adopted the present constitution to be the constitution of the Thunder Bay Islamic Association hereinafter called the Association.
    The Association is an independent, charitable, religious, social and cultural, non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario.
    Aims and Objectives
    The Aims and Objectives of the Association are:
    1. To promote the principles and teachings of Islam based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
    2. To fulfill the religious, social and cultural needs of the Muslims of Thunder Bay and District.
    3. To promote a sense of mutual respect and better understanding between the Muslims and the community at large.
    4. To own, acquire, establish, rent and maintain any property, physical facilities, or assets which would help achieve the aforesaid aims and objectives.
    I also confirm that I meet the following membership criteria as presented in the TBMRA constitution as follows:
    Membership criteria for full membership in the Association:
    • Must be a Muslim
    • Must be 18 years of age or older
    • Must reside in the District of Thunder Bay
    • Must believe in and subscribe to the preamble of the Association
    • Must believe in and subscribe to the aims and objectives of the Association
    Rights and limitations of members:
    1. Only full members shall be eligible to seek elections as provided in the constitution.
    2. Only Full members shall have voting rights provided that they have been members in good standing for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of any General Assembly meeting.
    3. The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31
    4. Membership shall be renewed at the beginning of every calendar year upon the receipt of the appropriate application form and dues by the Executive Committee. However, if dues are paid by April 30 of that year, continuity of the membership will not be affected.
    5. Members who have not paid their annual dues by April 30 will have their membership terminated and are required to reapply for membership. A waiting period of six months for voting privileges will apply.
    6. To be able to vote at any General Assembly meeting held between January 1 and April 30 of any year, membership dues are to be paid prior to the meeting, provided that the member is eligible to vote as per paragraph (e) above.

  • Members of the Shura

    Members of the Executive Committee