Funeral Service
Thunder Bay Masjid 591 John Street, Thunder BayJanaza prayer for Brother Hassan Taki will be after the second Jumu’ah prayer.
Janaza prayer for Brother Hassan Taki will be after the second Jumu’ah prayer.
We would like to share with a heavy heart, Br. Jawad ur Rehman's father, Mirza Abdul Rehman passed away last night at St Joseph hospital. His Salat-e-Janaza will be tomorrow Tuesday after Zohr prayer (2:15) @ Thunder Bay Masjid Insha-Allah. May Allah (God) bless his soul.
Qurān 2:156Salātul Janāza (Funeral Service) for Dr. Medhat Rahim of Lakehead University will be held today after Dhuhr Prayer ( 1.45p) at the Thunder Bay Masjid.